Alexis Krauss and Derek Miller of Sleigh Bells
Last night I went to the CSS/Sleigh Bells show along with my friends Trey, Laura, Kristen, Janey and Rae. I've hardly listened to CSS, but their fun personality captured me last night. When lead singer Lovefoxxx told us she was about to play a sexy song, she asked us to dance like snakes. When she was about to play a romantic song, she asked us to dance like it was a sweet 16 dance. I can't promise I followed all of her instructions, but it was a lot of fun.
However, I went for Sleigh Bells, as I assume a lot of people did because they're known for putting on a really great show. I had been warned before going that it's a very sweaty experience, but I was not convinced this was true during the opening act & even CSS. Right before Sleigh Bells a wall of Marshall amps was set up and as soon as the lights dimmed I experienced a force wave push me forward. I was already really close to the stage and now all that was separating me was a large man and his two large cameras (photographer that would not have been there hadn't he been paid). But before the end of the show I was right against the stage, so I got my money's worth ;) Then I, along with hundreds of other people, experienced a bombardment of strobe lights as the duo came out.
This is what followed: really loud noise pop music, strangers thrashing their sweaty bodies on mine, continual elbowing in face/head/top body region, a stranger grabbing my arms and throwing them back and forth for me (less work on my part?), stranger grabbing my hair and pulling it (what was that about??), Kristen getting punched in the lip, Janey loosing the right glass from her eye glasses than catching it (that is talent, I don't know how she managed it. 99% change that it would have fallen on the floor and been stomped on, she beat the odds), continual line of people climbing on/over me to get on the stage in order to jump and crowd surf, Alexis Krauss singing right over me like an angel, Alexis pouring water on herself and showering everyone underneath her (including me! Gross? Maybe. But it was so hot I didn't mind).
Before I go I have to admit to you, Alexis Krauss has a really pretty face.
I'll be back to regular posting as soon as my exams are done next week.
Also, thank you for the graduation congratulations! :)